Site Policy

This website is operated and maintained by GBLC. Terms and conditions for use stated below apply when this web-site is used.

Terms and Conditions for Usage

Content such as - text, graphics, user interfaces and tables - are owned and controlled by GBLC. Any content leading to external links are owned by the third parties and are protected by copyright and IPR. You may use Content only for personal use and may not use it for commercial purposes or commercial gain.


  1. GBLC does not guarantee that this website is error-free or defect-free. Also the website and content are subject to change at any time without notice. GBLC disclaims any and all liability for any damages incurred arising from your use of this website.
  2. GBLC is not responsible for third party websites linked from/to this web-site. GBLC disclaims any and all liability for any damages incurred arising from your use of such websites.