GBLC Translation Services
  • Japanese and English document translation services
  • Industry leading speed of delivery - even at high volumes
  • Industry leading price competitiveness
Technical Know-How
GBLC owns specialised Know-How for translations between Japanese and English. The proprietary software tools and fine-tuned processes are assets developed at GBLC over many years of experience in translation. GBLC uses an optimal combination of these software tools, complemented with manual methods to provide industry leading cost/quality performance.
Output Quality
The translation quality provided by GBLC is suitable for
  • Customer facing Technical documents and User-manuals
  • Internal consumption
  • Consumption by business partners
Focus Industry Sectors
  • Information Technology
  • Automotive
  • Chemicals
  • Medical devices/equipment
  • Electronic devices/equipment
Types of Documents Handled
  • Technical Documents
  • Specifications Documents
  • User Manuals and Help Files
Document Formats
  • MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-PowerPoint files
  • PDF documents (Editable version only)
  • Plain Text & HTML files